Sunday, 13 April 2014

Word puzzle give it a go yourself

Can you change keep to peep to weep in 5 moves?


I did this by turning the k into the p then turning the p into the w
Rileigh-Kaye Lambie

My kotahitanga poster

My kotahitanga poster is about people/things that help other beings in need of help. Kotahitanga means: unity and togetherness. It also means you can help any one. Any where. Any time. As long as you do it respectfully it will count as something nice to that thing/person you helped.  

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

My kotahitanga poster

My kotahitanga poster is about people/things that help other beings in need of help. Kotahitanga means: unity and togetherness. It also means you can help any one. Any where. Any time. As long as you do it respectfully it will count as something nice to that thing/person you helped.  

Monday, 7 April 2014

Broken calculator

I used a broken calculator to make these number answers. I could only use 2 numbers I used 4 and 5. The last one I completed 18. Next time I can try to keep trying until I am finished. 

Team Tactics

Team Tactics is about putting the right words into place, so it makes sense. I used the words from the box of words in the top right corner. You cross them out after you have used them. This one is about a basket ball team that does not have a coach so they try to convince a Lynne's dad ( Lynne plays in the basket ball team). I also did a true or false activity below. Read the story and do the true and false your self.

Thursday, 3 April 2014


<iframe src="" width="640" height="511" frameborder="0" marginheight='"0" marginwidth="0"></iframe> 

Self-managing dispositions

WALT: make good choices about our/my learning. Even if you make mistakes you can keep on trying until you succeed,That's what I learnt in the time at school. My learning dispositions are I am aware of what drives my learning and I can follow my time table correctly. And my goal for next time is to think it is okay to ask for help when it's needed.

Self-managing dispositions

WALT: make good choices about our/my learning. Even if you make mistakes you can keep on trying until you succeed,That's what I learnt in the time at school. My learning dispositions are I am aware of what drives my learning and I can follow my time table correctly. And my goal for next time is to think it is okay to ask for help when it's needed.