Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Te Ahu a Turanga Noho Marae

Description: In week 7, we had an overnight stay at the local Marae in Woodville.  We were immersed in Maori culture and participated in a range of activities.  We set two goals to focus on during our stay.

 Big Idea:  
1.  Did you achieve your goals?  How do you know?
I achieved all my goals at the marae. I know this because I completed all the rotations and I joined in, in every activity they threw at me. Both my goals in my camp diary were achievable. 

2.  What are you most proud of from the marae stay and why? 
I am proud of staying at the marae because I have never, ever stayed in a building, sleeping over night with about 70 people. But even though It smelt like deodorant in one end of the room, and my bubblegum spray in the other half I still had fun.

3.  What challenged you the most and why?
The most challenging thing at the marae was waking up. I woke up super early (a bit earlier then usual on a school day ) with Rileigh-Kaye and we couldn't go back to sleep. So we just lay there waiting for maybe an hour and a half. Now that was challenging!

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Transformation ( Ellys Geometry )


We have been learning about transformation.  We have specifically learnt that...

  • translation is when an object slides in any direction;

  • rotation is when an object is turned around a central point;

  • reflection is when an object is flipped and has a line of symmetry.

Our challenge was to design a car badge that contained at least one of these aspects of transformation.   

Feedback/Feedforward: Well done Olivia your car badge really does represent you with the O and the dog paw print the only thing I think you need to work on is making sure there are no misquito bites.

Grace.S :)

Evaluation: Next time if we do this again that I would want more time to make my circles perfect. Also, I think I could work on getting my lines, curves and corners EXACTLY the same...... My rushed colouring could of been better.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Why are there stars in the sky?

Purpose: create a story to share orally
Description: Oral storytelling is a Maori tradition. We have been planning our own story to tell on the Marae in Week 7.

-Between 1 and 2 minutes long
-Using your voice to make sounds effects
-Using your whole body to make actions
-Use your face to tell a story through facial expression
-Knowing the story, knowing the setting
-Get the picture into your listener’s head
-Stay in character - keep your composure.
-Audience participation
-Unique and original (Hook your audience)

Big idea: I think my story is about explaining how the stars are made and the story behind the stars creation.... I did not perform my story at the marae, but I did end up being recorded! :) 
I wanted to do my story about the stars because I love
Evaluation: I think I could of worked on interacting with the audience abit more, if I had the time.
Feedback/feedforward: I think you did well in presenting your voice and actions to the audience. I liked the way you were really confident when getting up in front of the audience. But I think you can work on interacting with the crowd a bit more. 
Jazmine :)

Monday, 2 March 2015

Star test*

We did a star test a few days ago. We did this to help us find a reading goal. After we got our tests back. We evaluated our scores. 1,2,3,4 and a total..... 45 is my total and I'm prepared to get better at my test, to get a better score.
I think my goal is to use prior knowledge to connect with the text. I will acheive this by searching through books and the dictionary for words I can work on. Since I am a voracious reader, I know most words but not all of them. But one thing I could work on is going through the answers, properly and carefully.