Twice: 70
Four Times: 140
Five Times: 175
Since that's 5 away from 180 the answer would be 5 remainder 5 which is 6. This strategy is KF

3x6= 18
Add a 0
30x6= 180
I used the stratergy doubling and halving stratergy which is technically PLAT
15x2= 30
150+30= 180
I used the stratergy PVP
Big Idea: So in the workshops Troy provides, we focus on multiplying and dividing in different strategy's. These are some of the strategy's......
PVP= Place Value Partishoning
KF= Known Facts
RV= Reversibility
PLAT= Proportional Adjustment
These photos are my working.......... :D
Evaluation: I think I improved in my division and multiplication during the workshops because the way that he tort me really motivated me to do better. I think I need to work on my multiplication and thinking quick.
Feedback/feedforward: I like the way that you worked it out. You only have abit to work on and that is the zero on the PVP looks like a 6
Olivia, as always this is an exceptional portfolio sample. Your explanation is perfect, I even think an Alien could understand how to do maths based on reading this. Your Maths ability has hugely improved this term and I love how receptive you are to new teaching. Thanks for being awesome!